May 9, 2013

Onion (Allium cepa L)

India is the 2nd largest producer of onion, in the world next only to China but the productivity of onion in India is very low i.e. 14.21 tons/ ha as compared to China and other countries like , Egypt, Netherlands, & Iran etc.
Maximum onion production takes place in Maharashtra state followed by Karnataka, Gujarat.
Production of onion is almost throughout the year barring one or two months.
Wide varieties of onions are cultivated in the country.
More than 45% of total onion production takes place in Maharashtra, Gujarat and Madhya Pradesh states which is very conducive for exports Three Agri Export Zones have been established in Maharashtra, Karnataka and Madhya Pradesh states.
Export facility centre along with modern packhouse has been set up to facilitate export of onions at Indpur near Pune.
An irradiation unit has been established at Lasalgaon (Nasik) to inhibit sprouting in onions.
Onion growers have been trained on scientific farming of onion in Maharashtra and in Karnataka (rose onion growers).
In Maharashtra state, MSAMB has disbursed subsidy to farmers for developing onion storage structures for prolonged shelf life
There is a good research support, as NRC for Onion and National Horticulture Research and Development Foundation are located in Maharashtra it self.

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