Jan 18, 2013


  A combustible gas (composed primarily of methane) produced when Organic waste, sewage or manure is fermented in the absence of oxygen. The solid material that remains in the digester after fermentation can be used as an organic fertilizer.

Biogas - a gas mixture of methane, carbon dioxide and small quantities of hydrogen and hydrogen sulphide - is created under air exclusion through the fermentation of organic substances with microorganism assistance. Biogas is a gas mixture, consisting of approximately 40 to 75 % methane (CH4),  25 to 60 % carbon dioxide (CO2), and approx. 2 % of other gases (hydrogen, hydrogen sulphide and carbon monoxide).

Advantages of Biogas
  • No smoke ,  Clean Fuel
  • Produces organic manure for a sustainable agriculture
  • It reduces fossils fuels Dependency 

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