Jan 8, 2013


Aimags:  The territory of Mongolia is divided administratively into Aimags and a capital city. Aimags are subdivided into Soums and Soums into Baghs. The capital city is divided into districts and districts into Horoos.

Analogue devices:  Analogue devices are those in which continuously variable physical quantities such as electrical potential, fluid pressure, or mechanical motion are represented in a way analogous to the corresponding quantities in the problem to be solved.

ARPANET (Advance Research Projects Agency Network):  The network that became the basis for the Internet, ARPANET was a large wide-area network created by the United States Defence Advanced Research Project Agency (ARPA). Established in 1969, ARPANET served as a testbed for new networking technologies, linking many universities and research centres. It consisted of a number of individual computers connected by leased lines, using a packetswitching scheme.

Bandwidth: The range of frequencies, expressed in Kilobits per second, that can pass over a given data transmission channel within a frame relay network.The bandwidth determines the rate at which information can be sent through a channel – the greater the bandwidth,more the information that can be sent in a given
amount of time.

Bits: The binary digits a computer uses to represent all data, comprising of 0s and 1s.

Broadband: A transmission facility having a bandwidth sufficient to carry multiple voice, video or data channels simultaneously. Each channel occupies (is modulated to) a different frequency bandwidth on the transmission medium and is demodulated to its original frequency at the receiving end. In general, broadband
refers to telecommunication in which a wide band of frequencies is available to transmit information. Because a wide band of frequencies is available, information can be multiplexed and sent on many different frequencies or channels within the band concurrently, allowing more information to be transmitted in a given
amount of time (much as more lanes on a highway allow more cars to travel on it at the same time).

British Thermal Unit (BTU): 1 BTU equals 1 055.05585 Joules.

Caller Party Pays (CPP): CPP is the arrangement in which the mobile subscriber does not pay for incoming calls. Instead, the calling party pays for those calls.

Digital Signal Processor (DSP): A DSP is a special- purpose Central Processing Unit that provides ultra-fast instruction sequences, such as shift and add, and multiply and add, which are commonly used in math intensive signal processing applications. DSPs are not the same as typical microprocessors though. Microprocessors are typically general purpose devices that run large blocks of software. They are not often called upon for real-time computation and they work at a slower pace, choosing a course of action, then waiting to finish the present job before responding to the next user command. A DSP, on the other hand, is often used as a type of embedded controller or processor that is built into another piece of equipment and is dedicated to a single group of tasks. In this environment, the DSP assists the general purpose host microprocessor.

Geographical Information System (GIS): GIS is a computer system capable of assembling, storing, manipulating, and displaying geographically referenced information (i.e. spatial data). The system combines database management system functionality with information about location. In this way it is able to capture, manage, integrate, manipulate, analyse and display data that is spatially referenced to the earth’s surface.

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