Jan 14, 2013


Mango (Mangifera indica Linn) is the most important fruit of India and is known as “King of fruits”. The fruit is cultivated in the largest area i.e. 2,312 thousand ha and the production is around 15.03 million tons, contributing 40.48% of the total world production of mango. The main mango producing states in India are Uttar Pradesh (23.86%), Andhra Pradesh (22.14%), Karnataka (11.71%), Bihar (8.79%), Gujarat (6.00%) and Tamil Nadu (5.09%). Total export of mangoes from India is 59.22 thousand tons, valuing Rs. 162.92 crores during 2010-11. India exports mango to over 40 countries worldwide. The major importing countries of India’s Mangoes during the period of 2010-11 were UAE (61.79%), Bangladesh (11.41%), UK (8.92%), Saudi Arabia(3.79%), Kuwait (2.32%), and Bahrain (2.19%) respectively.
India occupies top position among mango growing countries of the world and produces 40.48% of the total world mango production. China and Thailand stood at second and third position among mango producing countries in the world with 4,366 and 2,551 thousand tons respectively.
Variety; Alphonso, Banganpalli, Chausa, Dashehri, Langra, Totapuri, Kesar.

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