Mar 25, 2013

Tribes of the World

1. Kalmuks- Inhabit the Altai mountains & nearby areas - pastoral

2. Kirghiz -Occupy the Tien Shan & adjacent Pamirs

3. Gauchos -Cowboys of the pampas of Argentina & Uruguay.

4. Mestizos -People of mixed white & Indian parentage

5. Ostyaks -West Siberian tribe

6. Pygmies -Congo basin – Zaire, Congo, Gabon.

7. Boro -Amazon basin-sub group of red Indians.

8. Semang -Malaysia

9. Papuans -New Guinea

10. Bushmen or San -Kalahari – Namibia, Botswana, Angola

11. Bedouins -Nomadic Arabs in Africa & Middle-East

12. Masai- East Africa – Kenya, Uganda

13. Kirghiz -Central Asia. Muslim by faith

14. Saami or Lapps- Norway, Sweden, Finland – Also known as Laplanders

15. Yuti -Siberia

16. Chukchi- Far Eastern Siberia

17. Yakuts -Tundra region of Russia

18. Aleut -Aleutian Islands

19. Yuit -Siberia

20. Inuit- Greenland, Canada & Siberia

21. Samoyed -West Siberia

22. Punan -Borneo

23. Afrikaner/Boer- Dutch race in S. Africa

24. Afridis -N. West Pakistan

25. Veddas- Racial stock of Sri Lanka

26. Bantus- Central & southern Africa – Swahili is Bantu derived language.

27. Berbers -Morocco, Algeria & Tunisia

28. Maori- New Zealand

29. Bindibu -Western Australia

30. Cossacks- Russia around black & Caspian Sea

31. Magyar- Inhabitants of Hungary

32. Croats- Croatia

33. Flemish -Belgium

34. Finns- European Tundra

35. Hamites -N-W Africa – Dark skinned muslims

36. Hottentots/khoi khoi -Tropical Africa

37. Kaffris- S. Africa – known as martial race

38. Kikuyu- Kenya’s most populous ethnic group

39. Masuds -Waziristan region, Pakistan

40. Mestizos- People of mixed Indian & European blood in Latin America

41. Amerinds -N. America – People of mixed European & Indian blood

42. Mulatto -Mixed European & black blood in South America

43. Moors- Mixed tribe of Arabs & Berber people of Morocco

44. Semites -Jews & Ethiopians

45. Tartar -Turkic people of eastern Europe & central Asia

46. Zambas- People of African & Native American Indian in S. America

47. Zulus -People of Bantu family inhabiting South Africa

48. Akka -Democratic republic of Congo

49. Oromo or Galla -African people of hamitic origin in Ethiopia & Kenya

50. Uygur -Turkic people inhabiting N-W china & Kazakhstan.

51. Kubu -Inhabitants of Sumatra

52. Fulani/Fula -Cattle herders of Nigeria, Senegal, Guinea or Chad

53. Buryat- Largest ethnic minority in Siberia inhabiting buryat republic.

54. Aeta- Mongoloid racial stock found in Philippines (indigenous)

55. Ainu- Caucasoids of Japan.

56. Yanomamo -Indigenous people of Brazil & Venezuela

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