September 2, 2013 Prime Minister Dr Manmohan Singh dedicated the Gandhi
Heritage Portal to the nation. The Gandhi Heritage Sites Committee, established
by the Government of India and headed by
Shri Gopal Krishna Gandhi had recommended that a Gandhi Heritage Portal be
set up to preserve, protect and disseminate original writings of Gandhiji and
make available to the world the large corpus of “Fundamental Works” which are necessary for any comprehensive study
of life and thought of Gandhiji. The Government of India, acting on this
recommendation, gave through the Ministry of Culture, the responsibility of
conceptualising, design, development and maintenance of the Gandhi Heritage
Portal to the Sabarmati Ashram Preservation and Memorial Trust.
Collected Works of Mahatma Gandhi(100 volumes) , Gandhiji No Akshar Deha (82
volumes) and Sampoorna Gandhi Vangmaya (97 volumes) form the basic structure
around which the Portal has been developed.
key texts provide first editions of key Texts of Gandhiji. These are: Hind
Swaraj, Satyagraha in South Africa, An Autobiography or The Story of My
Experiments with Truth, From Yervada Mandir, Ashram Observances in Action,
Constructive Programmes: Their Meaning and Place, Key To Health and Gandhiji's
translation of the Gita as Anasakti Yoga.
Fundamental Works are those through which The Collected Works of Mahatma Gandhi
(CWMG) was created, for instance Mahadevbhai Ni Diary. Over time the Portal
aspires to provide all those works which go into the making of the CWMG.
Journals provide electronic versions of Indian Opinion, Navajivan, Young India,
Harijan, Harijan Bandhu and Harijan Sevak. A sub-section provides some of the
journals which make for a fuller archive of the Gandhian imagination and
scholarship. At present the Portal has placed as representation Gandhi Marg
(Hindi & English), Bhoomi Putra, Pyara Bapu and that unique handwritten
journal of the Sataygraha Ashram Madhpudo, which among other things carried
Prabhudas Gandhi's Jivan Nu Parodh and Kakasaheb Kalelkar's Smaran Yatra. The
Portal hopes to include many more journals as it acquires these overtime.
Works is a section that would take into account the vast and deep commentarial
and memoire literature.
Life and Times section is under development and would provide slivers of
information that could lead one to broader and deeper explorations. The
Gallery, likewise, would provide audio, visual, film material as also
caricatures, paintings and postage stamps. The Portal provides a sample of each
of these.
Gandhi Heritage Sites, the data for which is under development and
verification, would provide multiple layers of information regarding places
that Mahatma Gandhi visited. The information would contain references to
primary sources about these visits as well.
Collected Works of Mahatma Gandhi
1956 Government of India initiated a project unmatched in its aspiration. This
was to provide an authentic documentation of all available writings of
Gandhiji. The Collected Works of Mahatma Gandhi is a result of this meticulous
and conscientious effort, which concluded in 1994. It was decided that Gandhiji
writings should be made available in three languages: Gujarati, English and
Hindi. Consequently, Gandhiji NoAkshardeha (Gujarati) and Sampoorna Gandhi
Vangmaya (Hindi) were created based upon the editorial architecture determined
for the CWMG. At present there are 100 volumes of the CWMG, 82 volumes of
Gandhiji No Akshardeha and 97 volumes of Sampoorna Gandhi Vangmaya.
volumes provide information about the source of these writings as also the language
in which they were originally written. Volumes 1 to 90 of the CWMG follow
chronological order, while volumes 91-97 are supplementary volumes created to
accommodate new material that came to be acquired subsequent to the publication
of the series. Volumes 98 and 99 are Index of Subjects and Index of Persons
respectively. Volume 100 is the compilation of Prefaces to the preceding
Gandhi Heritage Portal provides unabridged, complete sets of these. These are
available in two options: archival version and enhanced version, which is a
black and white version. These volumes are interlinked through a database that
the Portal team has developed. It allows one to move between the three
languages and search the same item. This would enable the user to compare and
study there texts and explore questions of translation. The search criteria for
these are as defined in volumes 98 and 99 of CWMG. The Portal is committed to
provide a searchable eBook of the CWMG, based on the first edition.
Key Texts
wrote seven books and did a Gujarati translation of the Bhagvad Gita. These
eight texts form the section Key Texts. These are: Hind Swaraj, Satyagraha in
South Africa, An Autobiography or The Story of My Experiments with Truth, From
Yervada Mandir, Ashram Observances in Action, Constructive Programmes: Their
Meaning and Place, Key To Health and Gandhiji's translation of the Gita as
Anasakti Yoga.
are arranged in a chronological order. The section also provides a history of
their printing and translations. Hind Swaraj, which Gandhiji considered as a
“seed text”, illustrates this. The Portal provides a facsimile edition of his
manuscript, which was written on board the steamer Kildonan Castle between 13
and 22 November, 1909. This is followed by the first Gujarati edition printed
in the two issues of Indian Opinion (11 December, 1909 and 18 December, 1909).
Gandhiji translated this into English as Indian Home Rule in 1910, subsequent
to the proscription imposed upon the Gujarati edition by the Government of
Bombay in March 1910. The English translation is followed by a Hindi
translation. Similar order is followed in case of all other texts, albeit
facsimile editions of other Key Texts are not available.
attempt has been made to provide first editions of all the works, including
translations. Gandhiji was acutely sensitive to the question of translation.
The translations of his Key Texts were done by his closest associates including
Mahadev Desai and Valji Govindji Desai. Gandhiji read, revised and
authenticated these translations.
Portal also provides rare copies of some of these Key Texts. The Navajivan of
29 November 1925 carried the first instalment of Gandhiji's autobiography;
Satya Na Prayogo, and the last chapter 'Farewell” was published in the issue of
3 February 1929 of the same magazine. Mahadev Desai's English translation of it
commenced with the 3 December 1925 issue of Young India and continued till that
of 3 February 1929. The first edition of the English translation The Story of
My Experiments with Truth was published in two volumes: the first containing
three parts was issued in 1927, and the second, containing parts IV and V, in
1929. The second revised edition of the autobiography was issued in 1940 with a
new title: An Autobiography or The Story of My Experiments with Truth. The
edition of the autobiography placed on the Portal is not only the first English
edition, it is that copy on which careful revisions from the point of view of
language were suggested by Rt. Hon. Sir V. S. Srinivasa Sastri.
Portal also provides translations of these Key Texts in other languages. At
present it has An Autobiography or The Story of My Experiments with Truth
available in thirteen languages. The aspiration is to make available as many
translations of the Key Text as possible, either in full or with complete
bibliographic information.
Works are those works, which form the source of the CWMG. These include
diaries, memoires, selections from compilations of letters and biographies. It
is not possible to imagine the CWMG without the extraordinary diaries of
Mahadev Desai, Gandhiji's closest companion from 1917 to 1942. The Fundamental
Works provide three language editions of Mahadev Bhai Ni Diary. Similarly, the
published works of Manubehn Gandhi also form part of the Fundamental Works.
is a rich and long biographical tradition of recounting Gandhiji's life, which
commenced with Rev. Joseph Doke's M K Gandhi: An Indian Patriot in South Africa
and include such magnificent works as Pyarelal's The Early Phase
The Last Phase, D G Tendulkar's eight volume biography Mahatma and Narayan
Desai's Maru Jivan Ej Mari Vani. These form part of the Fundamental
Also included are works of Gandhiji's associates like C F Andrews and Mirabehn.
section also includes various translations of the Key Texts. The aspiration is
to provide authoritative selections of Gandhiji's writings in various languages
in this section. The Fundamental Works would also include all available volumes
of translations of the CWMG in other Indian languages, for example Marathi.
endeavour was to reach out and communicate with as many people and opinions as possible.
Publication of periodic journals published in multiple languages was one such
mode of communication. The Portal provides complete sets of the journals that
he owned, edited or published. These include: Indian Opinion, Navajivan, Young
India, Harijan, Harijan Bandhu and Harijan Sevak.
ideas and practices have inspired many movements and academic inquires.
“Journals by Others” presents a selection of journals published by institutions
and movements, which seek to interrogate Gandhiji's ideas and practices or
record, documents and chronicle movements. These include Gandhi Marg (Hindi
& English), Bhoomi Putra, Pyara Bapu , Kasturba Darshan and that unique
handwritten journal of the Sataygraha Ashram Madhpudo. Full, unabridged texts of
these journals are made available. This section would become an archive of the
Gandhian imagination and scholarship. The Portal hopes to provide an ever
expanding list of such journals.
Works is a broad category, which seeks to provide either full, unabridged texts
or complete bibliographic information on the vast and ever expanding
scholarship on Gandhiji and allied movements and institutions. This section
also includes works of those who are crucial interlocutors of Gandhiji; C F
Andrews is one example. It is difficult to understand and fully appreciate the
striving of Gandhiji in absence of the works of his interlocutors.
section would eventually include either full texts or bibliographic information
on writings on Gandhiji and his endeavours in academic journals. This will
facilitate a more comprehensive access to the contemporary scholarship around
these issues.
and Times
section provides selections, slivers of information arranged for easy
reference. All the selections are made from the “Chronologies” that are given
as a separate section and other Fundamental Works. Information about tours,
marches, Satyagrahas, imprisonments, fasts and assaults are arranged in easy to
access tabular form. For instance the Dandi March is presented through four
subsections: “Background to the Salt Satyagraha”, “The Marchers”, “The March”
and “Events post-March”. A virtual tour mapping the walk to Dandi is also
provided. The information is also linked to the sources in the CWMG to enable
one to further the inquiry.
is conceptualised as an eclectic section, intending to provide edited
information by the Portal's editorial team.
Gallery provides an audio-visual archive on the life and times of Gandhiji.
These are arranged as photographs, films, posters, audio and cartoons. The
sub-section of other media includes postage stamps and will be expanded by
inclusion of paintings and sculptures.
Audio section provides the recordings of Gandhiji's Prayer Speeches in 1947 and
1948. As the Indian subcontinent moved towards freedom, it was engulfed by
unprecedented violence. Gandhiji's prayer speeches became the medium through
which he appealed for calm and sanity. These prayer speeches were relayed
across the subcontinent by All India Radio. Each audio is linked to a text of
the speech provided in the CWMG.
Video section provides films on Gandhiji. These include Vitthaldas Jhaveri's
“Mahatma”, a documentary film of five and a half hours duration. The Portal has
acquired other films which have archival footage.
Heritage Sites
moved incessantly across the Indian subcontinent and other parts of the world
to carry his message of freedom, truth, non-violence, Satyagraha, Swadeshi and
equality for all. This was his way of inhabiting the land and being one with
her people.
Gandhi Heritage Sites Committee d has designated thirty-nine locations as core
sites. At present a detailed site specific chronology is being prepared at the
Sabarmati Ashram Preservation and Memorial Trust. The classification framework
includes place, persons, principles and events. Each of these would be linked
to the source. This would form part of the Portal.
GHP at Present
Portal at present provides approximately 500,000 pages of material in
electronic format. In case of CWMG and the Key Texts both archival and enhanced
black and white images are provided. In addition to the textual material it has
over 1000 photographs, 21 films and 78 audio recordings. While most of the data
is interlinked and searchable, at present the search criteria are those which
have been determined by Volumes 98 and 99 of CWMG that is the Index of Subjects
and Index of Persons.
Way Forward
Portal is committed to making available a searchable electronic edition of The
Collected Works of Mahatma Gandhi based on the first edition. The Trust is also
working on a comprehensive compendium on the Gandhi Heritage Sites, which would
be made available on the Portal.
Portal aspires to placing about a million pages of information in multiple
languages. These would include Journals, Fundamental Works and Other Works.
Trust is also in the process of developing an on-line variorum of Gandhiji's
manuscripts. Over the next three years the Portal shall make available about
1,50,000 pages of original manuscripts. The proposed variorum will be
searchable through the catalogues of the Sabarmati Ashram archives. The Portal
also intends to collaborate with other national institutions such as the
National Archives of India and the Nehru Memorial Museum and Library to make
the variorum as comprehensive as possible.
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