May 9, 2018

Inventions and Discoveries  Inventor
Air Brake  George Westinghouse
Aniline Dyes  Hoffman
Adding Machine  Balise Pascal
Aeroplane  Wright Brothers
Air Conditioner  Carrier
Atom Bomb  Otto Hahn
Aspirin  Dreser
Alcohol Thermometer  Farenheit
Atomic Thermometer  Bohr
Atomic Theory  Dalton
Atomic Number  Mosley
Atomic Structure  Bohr and Rutherford
Automobile  Daimler
Antiseptic Surgery  Lord Joseph Lister
Archimedean Screw  Archimedies
Avogadro's Hypothesis  Avogadro
Ball Pen  Loud
Balloon  Montogolfier
Blood Circulation  Harvey
Barometer  Torricelli
Bicycle  MacMillan
Braily System  Louis Braille
Beri-Beri  Eijkman
Blood Circulation  Harvey
Boson  S.N. Bose
Boyle's law  Boyle
Braille  Louis Braille
Computer  Charles Babbage
Chloroform  James Young Simpson
Cinema  Lumiere Brothers
Cinema Projector  Thomas Alva Edison
Crescograph  J.C. Bose
Celluloid  Parkes
Chloroform  James Harrison and James Young Simpson
Cholera Bacillus  Robert Koch
Coloured Photography  Lippman
Cosmic Rays  R.A. Millikan
Cyclotron  Lawrence
Diesel Engine  Rudolf Diesel
Dynamo  Michael Faraday
Dynamite  Alfred Nobel
Deuterium (Heavy Water)  H.C. Urey
Diesel Oil Engine  Rudolf Diesel
Discovery of Solar System  Copernicus (1540)
Discovery of Specific Gravity  Archimedes
Electric Battery  Volta
Electric Lamp  Edison
Electricity  Faraday
Electron Theory  Bohr
Electrical Waves  Helix
Electrical Measurement  Gauss
DDT  Dr. Paul Muller
Electron  J.J. Thompson
Electric Lamp  Thomas Alva Edison
Elevator  Elisha G Otis
Fountain Pen  Waterman
Fahrenheit Scale  Fahrenheit
Film & Photographic goods  Kodak
Glider  George Cayley
Generator  Picionitti
Gramaphone  Thomas Alva Edison
Gun Powder  Roger Bacon
Geometry  Euclid
Hydrogen  Cavendish
Helicopter  Broquett
Helium Gas  Lockyer
Homeopathy  Hahnemann
Hovercraft  Cockrell
Hydrophobia  Louis Pasteur
Jet Engine  Sir Frank Whittle
Intelligence Tests  Binet
Insulin  F. Banting
Induction of Electric Current  Faraday
Incandescent Bulb  Edison
Induction Coil  Rohm Korff
Jet Propulsion  Frank Whittle
Law of Gravitation  Issac Newton
Law of Heredity  G. Mendal
Laser  Theodore Maiman
Lightning Conductor  Benjamin Franklin
Logarithm  John Napier
Laughing Gas  Priestley
Life Boat  Henry Grea
Lift (Elevators)  Otis
Linotype  Mergenthaler
Line of demarcation (ship)  Plimsoll
Laws of Electrical Resistance  Ohm
Law of Electrolysis  Faraday
Law of gases  Gay Lussac
Laws of Gravitation  Newton
Laws of Heredity  Gregory Mandel
Laws of Motion  Newton
Laws of Natural Selections  Darwin
Laws of Multiple Proportion  Dalton
Liquid Oxygen  Dewar
Machine Gun  Dr. Richard Gattling
Maser  Charles H. Townes
Microphone  Graham Bell
Measurement of  Joule
Electrical Energy  James Prescoft
Meson  Hideki Yakawa
Microscope  Janes
Molecular Scattering of light in fluid  Ramanathan
Neon Gas  Ramsay, Travers
Neutron  Chadwick
Nuclear Fission  Otto Hahn, Bohr and Fermi
Nylon Plastic  Carothers
Oxygen  J.B. Preistley
Origin of Species  Charles Darwin
Parachute  A.J. Garnerian
Pencillin  Alexander Fleming
Photography (Film)  John Carbutt
Periodic Law  Mendeleef
Phonograph  Edison
Phonographic Shorthand  Pitman
Principle for lever (S.P. Gravity)  Archimedes
Phototherapy  N.R. Finsen
Positive Electrons  Anderson
Powerloom  Cartwright
Pneumatic Tyre  Dunlop
Printing for the Blind  Braille
Printing Press  Caxton
Printing Types  John Guttenberg
Psycho-analysis  Dr. Sigmund Freud
Rayon  Sir Joseph Swan
Radio activity of Uranium  Henry Becquerel
Raman effect  C.V. Raman
Radium  Madame Curie
Railway Engine  Stephenson
Radio transmitter  Alexanderson
Rare Gas  Cavandish
Replacing human heart  Christian Barnard
Revolver  Colt
Quantum Theory  Max Plank
Refrigerator  James Harrison
Safety Lamp  Humphry Davy
Safety Match  Land Strom
Safety Pin  William Hunt
Safety Razor  Gillette
Sewing Machine  Barthelling Thimonnier
Short Hand  Pitman
Solar System  Copernicus
Steam Engine  James Watt
Steam Turbine  Parsons
Spectroscope  Bunsen
Stethoscope  Rene Laennee
Submarine  David Bushnell
Seismorgraph  Robert Mallet
Sextant  Hadley
Steam Boat  Fulton

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